Discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining.
Determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey.
Examples for "turn up "
Examples for "turn up "
1 Relatives turn up , leave, come back; or maybe new branches keep arriving.
2 Jamie'd picked a good time of day to turn up , Ian thought.
3 If I don't turn up , you say I'm ignoring the Far North.
4 One recent event in Sydney saw more than 200 men turn up .
5 However, if I could keep him talking, something might yet turn up !
Take up residence and become established.
1 Until recently, good quality educational toys were expensive and difficult to locate .
2 The immediate question is how to locate Tyler as soon as possible.
3 It is currently looking at three new sites to locate the plant.
4 Before the capture, Olivera-Gomez said scientists use sonar to locate the animal.
5 You might be able to locate the knowledge-intensive work here in Ireland.
6 British forces have also brought in robots to help locate roadside bombs.
7 But the paper does say the police are trying to locate you.
8 JPAC's mission is to locate American war dead and bring them home.
9 I find power in this allegiance; it helps me locate myself politically.
10 Analyze: How did they know that and locate subject alpha so quickly?
11 Just 50 per cent of participants were able to accurately locate it.
12 In the meantime the lovers are in Paradise wherever we locate them.
13 One problem was the inability to locate evidence from an old case.
14 Zia had accepted a CIA proposal to locate new facilities in Pakistan.
15 I managed to locate one of Menard's former profs at Cal State-Chico.
16 He had no doubt he'd easily be able to locate the perpetrators.
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